Bea came over for tea this afternoon. She had a ever-so-lovely birthday gift for yours truly. It was a beautiful hand sewn tote bag with numerous goodies tucked inside the pockets. One of the things that was included in the bag was this beautiful homemade pin cushion. It has Bea "written all over it" in all its lacy lusciousness!
There were many laughs and giggles between us gals today. At one point we were discussing the colour of our hair. Now you probably picture us gals having various shades of blue hair, but in actuality, dear Bea's hair looks blonde ~ she insists that it isn't. She says when she was younger it was blonde, but it went white some time ago. White, blonde, whatever, I think that her hair is a lovely shade and a couple years ago, I decided not to colour my hair anymore in hopes of reaching the beautiful shade Bea sports. Today, I wanted to tell her that she was the reason I decided to let the white take over, but it came out a little crazy. I said: "You know Bea, you were my inspiration to let it go!" "I inspired you to let yourself go?" Bea asked with a somewhat shocked, yet amused look on her face.

Ah sweet friendship!
It allows us to let ourselves go.
Until next time ~
Bessie x0x