Memories, gifts, our time and our favorite recipes are all things we like to share at this time of year. It doesn't matter if we can't afford the biggest or the best. When we share what we have, and add our talent and a lot of love, Christmas can live in our hearts all year long.
I hope you're enjoying the season and sharing your hearts with those you meet and those near and dear. If you aren't in the Christmas Spirit, go see a child's Christmas production, even if you don't know a child playing a part.
It's good for the soul to see little ones singing their hearts out about the baby Jesus. Better yet, volunteer to get involved and help with the production. It's not too late to print programs or hand them out at the door or shake a strangers hand and wish them a Merry Christmas.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.Plato
Only 10 more days till Christmas!
Love, Bea