Bless your hearts ~ Bessie and Bea have a giveaway!

still here dear hearts! Suppose some of our readers were doubting it ~ but you know us girls, we just get so busy at times that we forget about this blogging business (let alone flossing!).
It's time for the
One World One Heart blogging event again and we are going to give it a go one more time. Rules say we're supposed to tell you a little bit about ourselves before we explain all the "fine print" details.
We are Bessie and Bea, and we are the best of friends. We love things such as our appreciation for
re-purposing the mediocre, snail mail, not taking ourselves too seriously, cupcakes, simple Christmas times with our families, making art, laughing (usually at each other), old buttons, lace, rusty things and God's glorious creation! Yes, it's true we met on the
Internet, but some think we
must've been separated at birth since we have so much in common (except Bea is a year younger than Bessie). If you wish to read more about Bessie and Bea, just click on View My Complete Profile under About Bessie and Bea creative sandwich's lovely proprietors.
Now back to the details ...
OWOH is a whole lot of fun,

bloggers from all over the world show off their blogs to other
bloggers. We're giving a prize away ~ all you need to do is make a comment on this post ~ maybe tell us one or two things that
you like (and be an active blogger yourself). On February 17
th, Bea will get her frilly robin egg blue hat out of her closet and we'll put all the comments into it, then we'll draw a winner out the hat ~ without as much as a peek. We will let the lucky winner know and arrange to mail the gift out, so it's important you leave us a way to contact you when you leave your comment!
Well you're just probably itching to know what we have up our sleeves for an
OWOH giveaway gift. This year, we will be giving a lucky reader Messy Date Stamps (see the picture at the bottom of this post) so you can create your very own calendar! And if we get over 100 comments, we will add a
bonus prize which will include a collection of Bessie & Bea (beautifully) Handwritten Recipes, Herbal Tea Selection and any other little goodies we can fit into the envelope! We look forward to getting your comments, hearing from old friends and making new ones.
Tra-la for now (comment your little hearts out) and always remember ...

We love you dearies ~
Bessie & Bea