Recently Bessie and I headed out into the wild blue yonder on a thrifting adventure. Our objective was to find a few tired, sad and lonely pieces that we could rescue and rehabilitate with some tender loving care. We just have so much to offer to the forgotten treasures of yesterday! It has been said that we put the
"F-u-n" back into
The wild blue yonder seemed like a great place to start, though truth be told I'm still a little fuzzy on the concept of where exactly that is. Maybe Bessie and Bea need to open a place and call it "The Wild Blue Yonder". What do you think? Would you set out there?? There would be great stuff and plenty of fun and funk-tion there! And probably cupcakes! And we couldn't forget glitter. We
must have glitter.
Well, we did indeed find some fun and exciting treasures, junque and
"Aunt-eeks". hehehe (Yes, my Aunt would surely "eek" if she saw some of the stuff I carted home!) But Bessie and I love the old and unloveable. The silly and the discarded call out to us, "please,
please, take us home!" (Well, maybe that's our kids on their cell phones, calling from the car where they're sitting, waiting as we dig through every nook and crannie of the store). Still,

we feel a real affinity for the used and well worn items of another day. Maybe we relate.
I got a new globe for my collection. (Mr Bea thinks I should use a new fangled GPS when I travel, or even an old fashioned map, for goodness sake! But I love a globe and have found myself in many interesting situations and met very interesting people while navigating by this tried and true tool of the past. "It it was good enough for Christopher Columbus and helped him discover the new world, then it's good enough for me" I always say!)
Also, notice the wonderful old album covers. I love the graphics. These will be bound into journals, that we affectionatley call "Re-Bounders."

Recycling at it's most creative.
We also listen to them on this thrift store score:
It's "
Symphonic"!! Oh, the sound that comes out of its tiny, tinny built in speakers! How marvelous as a soundtrack to our adventures here at Creative Sandwich.
It takes a while to warm up, but when it does there's no stopping the groove!

This trestle table needs a little love a la'
Rachel Ashwell, don't you think? Look at those legs! Beeea-utiful!

Now don't turn up your nose at this. It has potential. Use your imagination.
I am. I'm imagining all the elbow grease it will take these old elbows to whip this baby into shape. Whew. It makes me tired just thinking about it. But just you wait and will be worth it. I see it in a little girls room, all white and pink and pretty. It's very well made, with solid wood drawers...none of that particle board here.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this little jaunt into the world of thrifting with Bessie and Bea. Come back soon and see what our treasures look like today.
See you soon, in the Wild Blue Yonder!