Sunday, September 21, 2008

While Bea's away, Bessie will play!

That Bea! Can you imagine? She knows how close we're getting to the Wild Blue Yonder Gift Show (October 24th & 25th) and what does she do? She takes off for a get-away with Mr. Bea to the mountains. Hmph! I can imagine though, that she'll claim that she's spending the entire time doing "research and development".

Today I just want to share with you a little something that will be on sale at Bessie & Bea's big live event. These beauties are sturdy gift cones. They'd be pretty as Christmas decorations on a tree or a lovely way to present a small gift. Each cone is entirely unique and handmade with love by yours truly.

On another note, Dawn of ART of Humungous Proportions fame is painting up another Faux Gogh chair. This one, although another tribute to Vincent Van Gogh, is entirely different than the
one she painted for her friend Art De Me's Arlene. So far, Dawn's almost finished two parts of the chair, and she was gracious enough to allow Creative Sandwich to give our readers a peek at the chair's progress. Pretty, eh?

Well lovely readers, I hope you all have a marvellous day. Get outside and enjoy some of the wonderful fall sunshine!

Love, Bessie
(who really does miss Bea)

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