Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fun in the kitchen with Bessie

Hello dearies,

That Bea!
I thought she was going post today something wonderful to share with you all today,
but I think she's busy puttering around in her artroom making fabulous art pieces or something, maybe she'll show us tomorrow. Or maybe she's cooking up a storm and taking step-by-step
photos for your perusal.
In the meantime, I would like to show you something I made today.


I got these yummy Sesame Sticks and Baron (dark) Chocolate at my local Dollarama.
You getting hungry yet?
I broke up the chocolate bar, put it in the bowl and then melted the chocolate in the microwave. I should have had some white chocolate, but I didn't have any on hand so I made up some rum flavoured icing.

I drizzle chocolate over the icing ~ you could
drizzle white on dark chocolate or visa versa.

Then you sprinkle with whatever decorations
you like. Simple, eh?
Pretty, pretty!
Now that Bea is going to look on here and get
real jealous cuz I ate these all up and she
didn't get a single one.
I'm thinking I'd give this recipe *** out of 5
Until next time, Tra-la for now.

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