Well folks, you won't believe the marvelous soup I made up for the mister for supper tonight. Since I'd bought 3 bunches of celery the other day at the market, I decided I should start using them up. I found a recipe from Canadian Living called Curried Apple and Celery Soup. Well now, doesn't that sound like an interesting combo?
I followed the recipe fairly closely, and when the soup was almost ready -- at the last moment -- I figured I should add some sort of meat-ish ingredient. Well I've been told you can put just about anything into a pot of soup and come up with some yummyliciousish results. In my freezer the perfect ingredient awaited: Flake Style Crab Flavoured Seafood. I thawed it, chopped it, and added it to the simmering soup. There were no complaints at the supper table tonight.

And if you leave a comment and ask real nice, I just may share this "Secret Family Recipe".
That's what we had for supper tonight ~ wonder if Bea will tell us what culinary delight she created ....